Do you even realize how great you are? Or are you spending too much time obsessing over everyone else? How to celebrate your greatness is essential to loving who you are and creating your now.
Do you participate in social media – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Periscope and more. Following your friends, family, people you look up to or find interesting. Maybe people you aspire to become because they inspire you.
When you connect, you begin to focus on their highlight reel, their movie trailer. By doing this, you are only seeing the exciting, amazing, incredible snapshots of their life.
How long is it going to take for you to stop burying yourself in someone else’s successes and greatness and recognize your own?
You need to turn your focus onto YOUR journey. Stop chasing so many other people. Create YOUR now. Your highlight reel.
“We don’t see the little changes in our life that add up to the greatness, because we aren’t looking for them.” ~ Kristianne Wargo
Your spirit is refueled and rejuvenated when you take time to see your growth, the changes, the transformations, the storms you’ve overcome.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Pause and REflect on your greatness!
- Look at YOUR photos.
- Create YOUR highlight reel.
- Embrace YOUR growth of IMPACT.
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