Everyone teaches you the habits you need to have, ways you can change it. But making lifestyle changes stick raises it to a whole other level. Learning to make lifestyle changes stick will help you create your now.
“Understanding the phases of making lifestyle changes stick, will allow you to excel in all areas of your life.” ~ Kristianne Wargo
It’s so easy to say what we need to do to live a “perfect” life. But implementing the change and making it STICK, that is the key!
The secret sauce is in sticking it!
“Making lifestyle changes stick.”
There are 4 phases that we all go through. When you understand the phases, you can then plan & prep your steps accordingly. Make your lifestyle changes stick.
This is the beginning. Where you have feeling of excitement, anticipation. The adrenaline rush of what’s to come. Super exciting!
The phase where limiting beliefs become loud. The negative chatter is heard from within you, and even your “support”. Deception is the trickery, the lies you tell yourself. Very deceitful.
You begin to see the difference of your hard work and focus. But it’s not over. This is a time you can get too comfortable with your new change, letting your guard down. However, the effort must be constant.
The phase where it’s easier to do rather than not do. You are creating your now! Who you are! The lifestyle changes are becoming a part of you.
The K.I.S.S. ~ Embrace the phases of sticking to the change!
- Inception – The beginning.
- The K.I.S.S. – WOOHOO!
- Deception – The negative chatter.
- The K.I.S.S. – Push through.
- Transformation – Begin to see the fruits of your labor, the change.
- The K.I.S.S. – Be Intentional
- Identity – Who you are!
- The K.I.S.S. – DO the new, rather than NOT do.
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