How would your schedule reflect what is important to you? Practice makes you everyday. So what are your practicing? How are you living?
Welcome to Sweet Spirit, a self-reflective day just for you! As your day gets more jammed packed with stuff to do, when do you give yourself the reflective time you deserve to see if you are living the life you desire? Take some time for you.
The CHALLENGE: Are you living the life you want? Are you leading the kind of life you desire?
You have heard the statement, “practice makes perfect”. There is no “perfect”. Instead, practice makes you!
Are you practicing what kind of life you desire on a daily basis?
You don’t have to be perfect; you just must be willing to practice!
It’s easy to get consumed by others expectations, influences and choices. Then the decision and action is made based on their expectations.
How does this make any sense?
This is YOUR life!
When you stop dreaming, you stop living.
So what are you dreaming for your life? Practice makes you. This is your time to believe in your abilities. You can become what you desire. And I’m carrying that belief torch for you. You are too precious to throw your life away to “I’m busy”. You deserve so much more.
“You become who you practice everyday.”
The K.I.S.S. ~ PRACTICE today!
- Begin practicing what you want your life to look like.
- Take one step to practice.
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